What is The Difference Between Binding & Serging An Area Rug?

When it comes to rug repairs for oriental or area rugs the most popular repairs we encounter, in the Greater Boston Area around Sudbury and Framingham Massachusetts, is binding and serging of area rugs. While both of these services are repairs to the edges of area rugs, there are a couple of differences between the two. Knowing these differences will give you peace of mind that you know what is being done to your area rug as well as knowing that you are getting the proper service to repair your area rug. Below are the differences between these two rug repair services.

Area Rug Binding Repair

When an area rug is worn out around the edges, you will need to have your rug go through a binding repair. Standard binding is folded over the edge of a rug and then stitched on with a binding machine. These machines are similar to a commercial sewing machine and it makes sure that the bind lasts for years to come. Bindings give rugs a tailored and classic look that exudes elegance. When finished, the width of the bind is about one fourth to three-eighths inch with the color being as close to the rug color as possible. This makes it so the repair does not stand out from the rest of the rug.

Binding example
Binding example
Binding example
Binding example








Area Rug Serging Repair

With serging, a serged edge is a continuous wrap of yarn that wraps around the edge of the rug, with a finished width of about three-eighths. Serging is a quick and easy way to finish rugs as it goes on quickly and can hide imperfections or an uneven edge. If you are looking for a quick fix then we suggest you choose our serging services, but if you want a finer look then go with binding.

Serging example
Serging example
Serging example
Serging example








If you are interested in either serging or binding your rug, please contact us at any time with your request. Be sure to take a look our product gallery for all:

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